Happy New Year all anglers

Skrifað 01/01/2021

Whishing all anglers a Happy New Year.

Hoping the year 2021 will bring many enjoyable days fishing in Norðurá. At the beginning of summer of 2020 the prospects were good with low Covid-19 incedences. Anglers had high hopes for a reasonable amount of salmon entering the river. Following the initial weeks of summer the returning salmon did not show as expected and catches were fewer than average. Hopefully this will improve in the near future.

The ambience of the river environment creates a magnificent backdrop for enjoying a few days out doors, climbing to the deep gorges or through rugged terrain to find a secret fishing pool. Experiencing the natural surroundings and relaxing in a way you will never accomplish elsewhere.

New premises to be acquired for the Norðurá II beats during July and August will be much appreciated.

The access roads to the river have been improved, especially in the Munaðarnes area. In other places the river has been encouraged to keep to it‘s ordinary course in hope to reclaim some known fishing-pools. This was supported by The Icelandic Directorate of Fisheries.

Photos from river: Sigrún Ása Sturludóttir

Photos from access maintenance: Brynjólfur Guðmundsson


Please contact Head of Sales Rafn Valur Alfreðsson for any and all information about procuring licences for angling in Norðurá. Either via phone +354 824 6460 or via email at mail to: sala@nordura.is


Tel: +354 859 3959

nordura@nordura.is sales@nordura.is

Riverkeeper Tel: +354 860 0333

Lodge Rjúpnaás Hill Tel: +354 435 0058


Norðurá is in Borgarfjörður, about 110 km from Reykjavík and to the lodge on Rjúpnaás.
