2017 may. New guest wing, entrance.

Skrifað 25/05/2017

Entrance to the fishing lodge is between the new and the old wing.

Pathway and lawn are being finished and the front-door is in place, so anglers can be invited to enter.

Photo: Sigrún Ása Sturludóttir


Please contact Head of Sales Rafn Valur Alfreðsson for any and all information about procuring licences for angling in Norðurá. Either via phone +354 824 6460 or via email at mail to: sala@nordura.is


Tel: +354 859 3959

nordura@nordura.is sales@nordura.is

Riverkeeper Tel: +354 860 0333

Veiðifélag Norðurár Tel: +354 894 0567


Norðurá is in Borgarfjörður, about 110 km from Reykjavík and to the lodge on Rjúpnaás.
